Steve Jarvis

Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Royston West & Rural and District Councillor for Weston & Sandon. Learn more

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Baldock Road junctions – another promise that Redrow will finish the work

by stevejarvis on 16 August, 2024

The work on the junctions on Baldock Road, Royston, the new street lights and completion of the 40mph speed limit was promised in June, but once again only part of the work was done. It is now 18 months since contractors working for Redrow, the Hedera Gardens developers, started this work and more than a year since we were first told it would all be complete.

I have been asking highways to get Redrow to get on and finish the job.

The latest news is that work is to restart on 10th September and be complete by 20th September. This is supposed to include installing street lights as far as the second new junction (near Therfield Road), connecting the street lights that were installed earlier which don’t work, resurfacing the first junction, completing the traffic islands and installing the missing 40mph speed limit signs.

Of course we have been promised that the work will all be finished many times before. Hopefully this time it will turn out to be true.

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